Thursday 23 October 2008

Journey from Cambodia to Vietnam

Travelled from Cambodian capital city to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (better known as Saigon) today.

It was a long bus journey of 8 hours. We left at 6am this morning. There was an almighty thunder storm at our hotel last night - a lightning bolt his the houses opposite!! So no one got much sleep aside from the early start.

We had to cross the Mekong River on a ferry as part of the journey but passed through the border just by getting on and off the bus as it travelled through.

We are staying in Quarter 1 in Saigon right near the backpacking district. My first impressions of the place is that its quite modern and cleaner than Cambodia. Plus everyone wears helmets when riding their motorbikes even if they still all drive like lunatics!! The women even have personalised bike helmets that look like horse riding hats - we have a shop that sells them next to our hotel.

Had a quiet afternoon. Just ate noodle soup at a local cafe. I've got quite addicted to noodle soup since I've been out here. They make ot with stok, fresh meat which they instantly boil in the stock, beansprouts and rice noodles. Its so tasty, cheap and filling. Mine cost me 1 pound today including drink.

Currency they use here is dong and there's 27,500 to 1 pound. So I have lots of notes!! They use US dollars for bigger purchases.

I'm in Saigon for another 3 days after this so hope to do alot of sight seeing and see lots of stuff to do with the Vietnam war.


James said...

Hi Eleanor,

Just many pounds are there in a Dong?


Sorry - couldn't resist. I'll send you an email in the morning. The trip sounds fantastic, and I'm already wanting to see the beaches.....


Eleanor said...

Yeah its a pain I can't post photos up - the internet connection just isn't quick enough to do it!! I'd love to show you all the pics tho.

rosetta said...

I read the last line wrong and thought you said

"lots of FUN stuff to do with the Vietnam war"

Oh dear.

Eleanor said...

Yeah - not much fun it has to be said!!