Sunday 19 October 2008

Arrival in Sihanoukville

Saturday morning was spent travelling to the beach resort of Sihanoukville. We've done alot of travelling in the last few days so I've got well into my book adn my ipod needs recharging!! Rosetta - your i-tunes has been good listening! Stone Roses and Kings of Leon (yeah i know you didn't put that on there!!).

Sihanoukville is Cambodia's only beach resort. I haven't seen Thailand's beaches and islands yet but apparently this really isn't up to that standard. The development of the area hasn't been controlled so the beaches are quite dirty adn some have raw sewage pumped into them!!

We spent Saturday afternoon on the beach which was an experience!! The beach itself (we were on Ochheuteal Beach) had the potential to look stunningly beautiful - and did from a distance. But was ruined by litter and hawkers. Kids, women and mine bomb victims hassling you constantly with thier wears. This country does make you feel so much guilt about how affluent and lucky you are but I've really resisted buying things from children or giving to beggers becuase I don't believe it helps them in the long run. Its a bit cliche but I will definatley be finding a charity to donate to regularly when I get home.

Having said that, all the women in our group caved into the women offering beautician services on the beach. I had my eyebrows plucked and a manicure and pedicure all for $6 (usd)!

The evening was spent at the bars on the beach. Good for dancing but no air conditioning - so hot!!

I can download stuff ontp my i-pod here as they have shops called Boom Boom Tunes - you give them your i-pod, choose a song/ album and they'll download it for you.

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