Sunday 19 October 2008

Sihanoukville day 2 19th October

The group I'm travelling with are all roughly the same age adn have been a mixture of couples and singles from the US, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the UK. We've all got on really well. Some people are doing this trip just as a two week holiday adn others are doing it as part of a longer trip like me.

Today we went on a boat cruise to the surrounding beach islands. The biggest one was called bamboo island. Most of the surrounding islands have been built up and developed by Koreans and Russians so there aren't so many that are open for public use. We went snorkelling and swimming off the boat and stopped off for luch on the beach. These beaches were actaully very scenic and I have lots of very beautiful photos to make you all jelous!!

On the way back to the mainland, we got caught in a really bad monsoon down pour at about 3.30pm. It was just as well we all still had out swim gear on!!

Tonight will be more eating by the beach.

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