Wednesday 22 October 2008

Sihanoukville day 3 20th October

Today was a very lazy day. It started off raining - proper British rain - drizzly!! But at least it was hot.

We had a quick look round the local market - the meat stall had pig's insestines hanging up for sale with flies buzzing around it - its so hot here iuts a wonder anyone buys the meat form those out door, unrefriderated market stalls!!

We then sat on Sokha Beach. This beach was privately owned by a hotel company and was lovely. Clean sand and sea and no hassle from hawkers. We sat oin the beach, swam in the sea and then used the hotel pool all afternoon. They had a swim up bar with lovely cocktails. Unfortunatley one of out group had his i-pod stolen at the pool which put a dampner on the day.

In the evneing, we went to a restaurant just off the beach front which was popular with the Cambodian tourists as opposed to the westerners. The food was lovely - I had spicy shrimps with vegetables. There was loads of it for $5 usd and the shrimps were huge. Live music consisted of the Cambodian equvelant to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers - but not as tuneful!!

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