Monday 3 November 2008

Hoi An to Hue

Saturday morning was spent cycling down to the river front in Hue, sitting outside a cafe and reading my book (read the Kite Runner last week adn enjoyed it so much I'm now reading the follow up - can't remember authors name.)

Saturday afternoon we left Hoi An to travel to Hue - which is just south of the Demilitarized Zone (17th paralell which used to divide North and South Vietnam).

We travelled by bus - the scenery on the journey was spectacular as we travelled through a mountinous pass. Journey took about 4 hours and we stoppped at the beach briefly on the way.

Hue was the centre of the Vietnamese monarchy from 1803 to 1945 (when the Communists took over). The emperor decided to build his court here (moving it from Hanoi) as its well protected by all the mountains. Saturday night we just went out for dinner and then drinks at a bar called DMZ (they're never very creative with their bar names round here - say it as you see it!!)

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